In February, at the invitation of Pastor Daeil Park and NSRBC, Concord Community Church (CCC) of Concord, Vermont, sent Sam as an ordained pastor/elder of CCC to help Pastor Park promote Reformed Baptist theology and practice, to help reform already existing churches, and to plant healthy Reformed Baptist churches.
In August, CCC formally recognized Taiuk Seo as Sam’s co-laborer, and CCC’s South Korea Mission Team was established.
In February, Taiuk and his family moved to the Sejong-Daejeon area, joining Pastors Park and Sam at NSRBC, where the three of them began working together to replant NSRBC after a major disruption.
In March, Taiuk finished two translation projects related to the Second London Confession’s church order: Nehemiah Coxe’s A Sermon Preached at the Ordination of an Elder and Deacons and Benjamin Keach’s The Glory of a True Church. He then began his third translation project, The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom, by Samuel D. Renihan. Plans are being made to publish and distribute these resources.
In April, the new church order was finished, and arrangements began being made to formally constitute NSRBC.
In April, in order to develop his Korean linguistic ability and the cultural fluency necessary for effective long-term ministry, Sam began focusing primarily on his culture and language acquisition.
In May, NSRBC moved to a new location in the building next door to its former location. This new location and space enables NSRBC to reach twice as many people with the gospel and to stabilize a home base for the Reformed Baptist mission in South Korea.
In June, NSRBC began teaching its Essentials class as an introduction to the faith and the life of the church.
On August 17, baptisms were administered for six adults and two youths.
On August 25, NSRBC was formally constituted with a new church order, a new covenanted membership, and a new plurality and parity of pastors, in which Sam and Taiuk joined Pastor Park as co-pastors of NSRBC. Under NSRBC and alongside supporting churches, Pastors Park, Taiuk, and Sam will continue serving together to help reform already existing churches, to plant the next Reformed Baptist church, and to form an association of Reformed Baptist churches in South Korea.
In November, to help meet the needs for Reformed Baptist resources in Korean at NSRBC and for the broader Reformed Baptist mission in Korea, NSRBC formalized its publishing ministry and established relationships with publishers.
On December 29, NSRBC added two women to the membership.
Pastors Park, Taiuk, and Sam are planning to continue stabilizing the foundation of NSRBC in order to create a secure home base for future mission plans.
In addition to helping with the pastoral needs of NSRBC and overseeing and participating in the expansion of translation projects, Taiuk will begin his ThM in 17th century ecclesiology in order to help establish a future learning community or institute of Reformed Baptist studies in South Korea.
In addition to helping with the pastoral needs of NSRBC and fundraising for the mission team and publishing ministry, Sam will continue his Korean culture and language acquisition full-time.
In January, publishing team member Sean Denny started translating Green Pastures by J. Ryan Davidson. Sean also began copyediting and preparing for publication Nehemiah Coxe’s A Sermon Preached at the Ordination of an Elder and Deacons and Benjamin Keach’s The Glory of a True Church. Taiuk is continuing to translate The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom by Samuel D. Renihan.
Next 2-5 Years
Upon the completion of Sam’s culture and language acquisition, Pastors Park, Taiuk, and Sam plan to begin exploring the next Reformed Baptist church plant in South Korea, with the goal of forming an association of Reformed Baptist churches alongside NSRBC and under the Second London Confession (2LCF 26:14-15).
NSRBC’s publishing ministry plans to continue expanding and increasing the translation, publication, and distribution of Reformed Baptist resources in Korean.
NSRBC plans to begin hosting an annual Reformed theology conference and to establish cooperative partnerships with Reformed Baptist churches in East and South East Asia.
Beyond 5 Years
Pastors Park and Taiuk intend to continue their academic training at the doctoral level, in order to establish a future learning community or institute of Reformed Baptist studies in South Korea.
Establish a learning community or institute of Reformed Baptist studies in order to help pastors, aspiring pastors, and students of theology grow in their understanding of the theology and practice summarized in the Second London Confession and to further promote the reformation of already existing churches and the planting of additional healthy Reformed Baptist churches in South Korea and the greater region.