Publishing Ministry
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Meet The Team
To address the need for Reformed Baptist resources in Korean,
in their own congregation and in the broader Reformed Baptist mission in South Korea,
NSRBC established its translation and publishing ministry in November 2024.
Current and Prospective Projects
The Glory of a True Church by Benjamin Keach (In final stages)
A Sermon Preached at the Ordination of an Elder and Deacons by Nehemiah Coxe (In final stages)
The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom by Samuel D. Renihan (Translation in progress)
Green Pastures: Ordinary Means of Grace for Ordinary Believers by J. Ryan Davidson (Translation in progress)
Before the Foundation of the World: Doctrines of God's Free Grace by Jeffrey T. Riddle
God Without Passions: The Majesty of God’s Unshakeable Perfection by Samuel D. Renihan
True Love: The Grace of Christian Fellowship by James M. Renihan
Associational Churchmanship: "Second London Confession of Faith" 26.12–15 by James M. Renihan
A Toolkit for Confessions: Helps for the Study of English Puritan Confessions of Faith by James M. Renihan
The Covenant of Works: Its Confessional and Scriptural Basis by Richard C. Barcellos
Milk for Little Ones: An Introduction to the Baptist Catechism by Ryan C. Hodson